Yeon Han
1 min readFeb 16, 2021


I need to collect sentences for improving my writing skill.

  • As Erickson saw it, the harshness of life makes most people turn inward.
  • To miss this information is to operate blindly, to invite misunderstanding, and to lose endless opportunities to influence people by not noticing the signs of what they really want or nee.
  • With this understanding you will be motivated to develop observation skills.
  • It is a different form of knowledge, one that connects with the animal part of our nature and involves out mirror neurons.
  • He had to tamp down his ego — thinking less of what he wanted to say and insteatd directing his attention outward into the other person, attuning himself to their changing moods as reflected in their body language.
  • With these counter-forces battling inside us, we cannot completely control what we communicate.

- The Laws of Human Nature by Robert Greene — Part 3. The Law of Role-playing

I decided to don’t write just what I want to say, I will write and collect first and then change in my words.

